Saturday, October 8, 2011

I wasn't too keen to get back in the car again after only a day and a half in Brooklyn, especially since they made me get in that damn box again. Do they think I'm some kind of baby? But it was worth it, because we went to the country, where I took a long walk in the woods and chased some chipmunks.

I was feeling pretty good about things that evening, quietly lying in my box. I left it for just a minute to investigate an intriguing squeaky skunk, when Leo had the nerve to sneak into it. I could tell that he knew that he was doing something wrong from his furtive movements. I didn't realize how fondly I felt towards that box til Leo horned in on it in that shameless way.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Wolly,
    We've loved reading about your adventures in Brooklyn and the country. It sounds like you're having a very exciting time. We can't wait to hear what you do next. Be good and try to stay off the couches. That squeaky skunk sounds very fun!
